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1. No Abstractions: our API design principle (increase.com)
87 points by jackflintermann 2 hours ago | hide | 17 comments
2. Show HN: I made a programmable computer from NAND gates (github.com/arhanchaudhary)
160 points by ArchAndStarch 3 hours ago | hide | 28 comments
3. Cease labeling recursion as challenging for students (mabelcor.substack.com)
13 points by shenisha 19 minutes ago | hide | 12 comments
4. DDC OLED: how to drive a tiny display from an HDMI port. (2022) (mitxela.com)
101 points by fanf2 3 hours ago | hide | 13 comments
5. A Response to "Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web?" (2021) (htmx.org)
13 points by tie-in 35 minutes ago | hide | 3 comments
6. Launch HN: Nango (YC W23) – Source-available unified API
125 points by rguldener 6 hours ago | hide | 64 comments
7. Tesorio (YC S15) Is Hiring a Head of Cloud Infrastructure/Operations (Remote) (tesorio.com)
17 minutes ago | hide
8. FCC votes to restore net neutrality rules (nytimes.com)
418 points by throwup238 3 hours ago | hide | 293 comments
9. Start Your Own ISP (startyourownisp.com)
106 points by agomez314 2 hours ago | hide | 22 comments
10. The Myth of the Second Chance (pressreader.com)
9 points by Tomte 1 hour ago | hide | 5 comments
11. CatLIP: Clip Vision Accuracy with 2.7x Faster Pre-Training on Web-Scale Data (arxiv.org)
34 points by panabee 3 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
12. John Carmack on Meta Horizon OS (twitter.com/id_aa_carmack)
56 points by tosh 1 hour ago | hide | 36 comments
13. Tribler: An attack-resilient micro-economy for media (github.com/tribler)
210 points by thunderbong 9 hours ago | hide | 78 comments
14. Rhyme as Reason (bigthink.com)
5 points by samclemens 1 hour ago | hide | discuss
15. Notes on Structured Programming (1970) [pdf] (utexas.edu)
31 points by BerislavLopac 3 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
16. Asian American women are getting lung cancer despite never smoking (nbcnews.com)
97 points by panabee 2 hours ago | hide | 70 comments
17. Virtual Machine Administration Using QEMU Monitor (suse.com)
6 points by whereistimbo 39 minutes ago | hide | 1 comment
18. Digital Wood Joints (openup.design)
92 points by montgomery_r 7 hours ago | hide | 47 comments
19. Rust Stream API visualized and exposed (github.com/alexpusch)
127 points by PaulHoule 8 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
20. Don’t bleed on the artwork (oxfordamerican.org)
4 points by bookofjoe 1 hour ago | hide | discuss
21. Chime Design and Build (leehite.org)
53 points by epilys 6 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
22. Parallel Snapshotting: make pg_dump and pg_restore multi-threaded per table (peerdb.io)
32 points by spathak 3 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
23. Judge acquits Backpage co-founder Michael Lacey on most counts (reason.com)
30 points by perihelions 1 hour ago | hide | 1 comment
24. Swan – A Lightweight Language Model Execution Environment Using FPGA (github.com/turingmotors)
32 points by daremocooon 4 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
25. Autotuner: How to speed up your Rails app (railsatscale.com)
117 points by onnnon 9 hours ago | hide | 29 comments
26. Ancient Malaria Genome from Roman Skeleton Hints at Disease's History (nature.com)
4 points by Petiver 1 hour ago | hide | 1 comment
27. Show HN: I built a self-hosted status page and monitoring tool for my projects (github.com/goksan)
56 points by goksan 6 hours ago | hide | 31 comments
28. A useful front-end confetti animation library (github.com/catdad)
380 points by blini2077 9 hours ago | hide | 93 comments
29. Ask HN: Any tool for managing large and variable command lines?
15 points by bjackman 2 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
30. TSMC unveils 1.6nm process technology with backside power delivery (tomshardware.com)
299 points by elorant 9 hours ago | hide | 148 comments

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